Men Who Like Flowers

men and flowersI currently work at a florist shop down the street from my school. When I started I thought it would be a great opportunity to change up my days of constant studying with bright happy flowers. But the florist life is not all sunny; we hear lots of sad stories from mourning customers. Believe it or not, working with flowers gives me the chance to think about some seemingly unrelated but important issues. (more…)

Waiting for Jesus… I mean, Superman

superman(This was originally posted on Feminism and Religion blog

I grew up in a white-middleclass-fundamentalist-Protestant community. As a result I learned to think of God as my Father, and Jesus as my savior, similar to the fairytale prince in shining armor or the ultimate boyfriend. As an undergraduate studying Religious Studies, I learned of other ways to relate to the Divine and discovered how to be a Feminist Christian. However, many women with backgrounds like mine do not have the (more…)